Thursday, November 11, 2010

92 Interesting unique stuffs/facts (or fictitious?) in a world

1. Pre-christian time, in English is B.C. (Before Christ)
After the christian era, in English is A.D. (Anno Domini)

2. Shark fish lost their tooth more than 6000 pieces every year, and new tooth is growth in 24 hours

3. Julius Caesar dead by 23 stabs

4. “Nissan” car, which the name comes from Japanese language: Ni = 2 and San = 3. Nissan : 23

5. Giraffe and rat can stay alive longer without water compare to camel

6. Stomach products mucus layer every 2 weeks so that the stomach will not digest itself

7. 98% of raping and killing is done by closed families or friends victims

8. An Ant can lift the burden 50 times of his body

9. Declaration of independence for America is written on a marijuana paper

10. The dot written on top of a “i” letter is called “title”

11. A raisin which be downed to a glass fulled with fresh champagne will move up and down inside the glass

12. Benjamin Franklin is the youngest child from a youngest parent which is the fifth descendant in youngest families

13. Triskaidekaphobia is the fear on 13, Paraskevidekatriaph obia is persistence on Friday, 13th date (can be happened 1-3 times a year). In Italy, 17 is the unlucky number. In Japan, unlucky number is 4

14. Giraffe’s tongue long is 50 cm

15. Mouth produces 1 liter of saliva everyday

16. We breathe about 23,000 times everyday

17. The word ZIP (code post) is the abbreviation from “Zoning Improvement Plan”

18. Coca-cola contains Coca (which the active substances of a cocaine) from year 1885 till 1903

19. On average, we speak 5000 words everyday (even though the 80% we speak to ourself)

20. Suppose that water quota in our body is reduced by 1%, we already feel thirsty

21. In our lifetime, we drink more less about 75,000 liters

22. Everyone, including identical twins, fingerprint and tongue texture are all never be the same

23. The red dot on 7-up logo comes from a founder which has red eyes. He is albino

24. Man lost 40 sheets of hair everyday, woman 70 sheets

25. The icon “save” in Microsoft Office programs is a picture of floppy disk which shutter is upside down

26. Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin, both married with their own first cousin Elsa Lowenthal and Emma Wedgewood

27. Camel has 3 eyelids

28. A piece of hair on our head has a growing period for 2 until 6 years before be replaced by new hair

29. A person will still conscious and aware for 8 seconds after the head be cut off

30. The fastest working muscle on our body is the muscle of our inside eyelid which can makes us blinking. We can blinking our eyes up to 5 times in one second

31. Chocolate can kill a dog, because can affect their heart and the order of nerve

32. Without mixed by saliva in our moth, we can never the taste of food

33. Finger nail of our hands is grow faster than our feet

34. 13% people in our world is left-handed

35. A new born baby, the head weight is 1/4 than his/her own body

36. We actually see with brain. Eyes is just our camera which sending data to our brain. 1/4 part of our brain is used to control the work of our eyes

37. Scorpion can be killed if we spray it with vinegar, they will wrathful and anger and then they will sting themselves

38. In the year about 1830, tomato sauce is sell as a medicine

39. Three wise monkeys has a name: Mizaru (See no evil), Mikazaru (hear no evil), and Mazaru (Speak no evil)

40. India has a law and regulation for a right of a cow

41. The country name of Philippines comes from the name of the King Phillip

42. Saudi Arabia comes from King Saud

43. Children has 20 early teeth. Adult has 32

44. Because the rare of metal, Oscars cup when world war II is made from wood

45. Every cycle of 11 years, magnet poles on sun changing place. This kind of cycle eating “Solar max”

46. There is 318,979,564,000 possibilities combination for the first four moves per side in a game of playing chess

47. There is 300 kind of bacterias that form a tartar

48. Tiger is the biggest member of a cat family

49. Number “172″ can be found on $5 American notes, on a image of brush below Lincoln Memorial

50. Coconut tree kills 150 people every year. More than sharks

51. On a poster of a “Pretty woman” movie, Julia Roberts always too short to be able to parallel with Richard Gere. So they use a model Shelly Michelle as Julia Roberts

52. Polar area lost its sun for 186 days every year

53. International telephone code for Antarctica is 672

54. The first ally/federates bomb fallen at Berlin on World War II. Killed the only one of elephant at Berlin’s zoo

55. On average, raining is falling at speed of 7 miles per hour

56. Need 10 years for Leonardo Da Vinci to draw/paint Mona Lisa. That paint is not signed and not dated given. Leonardo and Mona has the same order of bones and according to X-ray, there is 3 version of Mona Lisa inside that paint

57. Name of Gemini the twins is Castor and Pullox

58. Bruce Lee moves are the way extremely fast so that they have to slow motion the movies so that we can see all his moves

59. One kilogram from our weight contains 7000 calorie

60. Blood is the same condensed (dense) as sea water

61. Sea water on Atlantic Ocean is more salty than on Pacific Ocean

62. Figures mask of Michael Myers on horror movie “Halloween” is actually figures mask of Captain Kirk (Star Trek) which is in white painted, just because of insufficient fund

63. The original name of butterfly is flutterby

64. A baby is born every 7 seconds

65. One of the 14 women in America is original blond. For man, is only one of 17 men, is original blond

66. The Olympic is the relative of Titanic ship, and serving for 25 years safely. (The sink Titanic was fake, it was the Olympic sink. The real titanic sailing for 25 years without any incidents)

67. When Titanic sink, 2228 people inside, but only 776 were safe

68. In America, someone be diagnosed as AIDS disease every 10 minutes. In Africa, someone died because of AIDS every 10 minutes

69. Until 6 months old, a baby can swallow and breathe together. Adult people can not

70. Reason why on the ads about wristwatch/clock/watch always show at 10.10, because it will be like smiling

71. Every year, the moon keep distance more far 3.82cm from earth

72. When we try to survive and no food, leather belt and sneaker shoes is the best food to eat because it has enough nutrition for us to live for a while

73. Every one drop of tear contains 50 million of bacteria

74. With raising your legs slowly and laying calmly with a straight back, we will be sink in sucking sand

75. One of 10 persons, is living in an island

76. Eating celery can burn calory more than the calory which be contained in the celery’s itself

77. Lobster can live for 100 years

78. Bubble gum is not sold in Disneyland

79. Chewing bubble gum when peeling or cutting an onion can avoid from crying

80. The jaw of a cat can not be moved to right and left

81. The name of Arctic (North pole) is mean a bear in Greek Language (Arktos), and indeed Polar Bear is only in North Pole

82. If we are standing on the ground/basic of a wells, we can see stars even though in daytime/daylight

83. The sound which we hear from inside of shellfish is not the sound of sea waves, but it is the sound of our blood flow in our head

84. There is more people scared on a open space (Kenophia) than scared on closed space (claustrophobia)

85. Technique of stir/mixing, the best is not by rotate/whirl/spinning, but the best is by movement of “W” letter

86. The scene of a band which was playing when Titanic were sinking, is a true story

87. The Guinness book of Records holds record as the most stolen book from library

88. 35% of a people which join contact/find partner in internet, already married

89. Bat always turn left if flying outside of a cave

90. Jim Henson is the first time to use the word “Muppet”. It is the combination of “Marionette” and “Puppet”

91. The Michelin Man (brand of tires), figures dressing white and also with a white hat in the ads of Michelin, is named Mr.Bib. The real name is Bibendum on the first ads in 1896

92. The word “Lethologica” which describe/explain when we can not remember what we want

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