Thursday, November 11, 2010

8 Funny “SEKS” thoughts of the day


1. Do you know why girls don’t keep
their mobiles in shirt pocket?

Answer: B’coz can’t get signals near
hills & mountains

2. Do you know why boys keep their
mobiles in pant pockets?

Answer: B’coz signals are high near the

3. Question: What is the difference
between pulling a curtain and panty??

Answer: When you pull a curtain,
“It means that the show is over”.
But, pulling down a panty means ”
It’s show time”.

India is our nation (kama sutra???),
Girls are our destination,
Flirting is our Profession,
Dating is our Occupation,
to hell with our Education.

5. GIRLS POLICY: (I am not likely like this)
Fraud with innocent boys;
Fun with Handsome boys;
Friendship with Smart boys;
Love with Faithful boys;
Marriage with Rich boys.

6. Traveler to co-passenger on
seeing her zip open:

“Madam, your lips are laughing”. She
replied “yeah,It wants a cigarette”.

7. A girl and boy sitting alone. The
boy started touching the girl.

GIRL: Don’t touch me, all this only
after marriage…

BOY: OK, call me when you are


8. A boy from third class asked his

“Can a girl of my age have babies?”.
She said, “What? NEVER!”

Boy told the girl sitting next,
“See, I told you not to worry”

Thought of the day:
SEX is like a restaurant,
Sometimes you get good service,
sometimes you get bad service,
sometimes no service
and many times
you have to be happy with self-service

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